Predictive Hacks

Hack: How to Create files from Jupyter

write file from jupyter

Sometimes, while working with the Jupyter notebook you need to create a file, like a .py file. Today we will show how to create files within Jupyter using the magic cells.

Write files from Jupyter

We can simply type %%writefile myfile within a Jupyter cell and then start writing the file. For example:


def my_function():
    print("Hello from a function")

will create a new file called

If we want to see the content of the file we can type !cat and we get:

Append files from Jupyter

Now, let’s say that we want to add something to our file. We can use the parameter -a which comes from the append.

For example, if we want to add the my_function() to our file:

%%writefile -a


As we can see, we added the my_function() to the

Run the Script from Jupyter

We can simply use the command !python or alternatively to type %run -i

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