Predictive Hacks is an online resource hub for everything related to Data Science.
Run by passionate data scientists, the blog takes a different approach to Data Science and focuses on how big data are used by data scientists across all kinds of fields – from machine learning and artificial intelligence to business.
The blog acts as a resource with insights, tutorials, and case studies. Our goal is to contribute to the Data Science community by helping people find valuable tips and answers in the data, effectively and quickly.
The blog is mainly written and edited by the blog´s founders, Billy & George, data science experts and enthusiasts who work for big data companies and spend their careers in data research. As a blog, we are permanently looking for new authors, so Data Science professionals and people who are interested in Data Science can become an author and contribute to our blog. To contact our team, please send an email to [email protected] and we will get in touch as soon as possible!