Predictive Hacks

Pair Programming for Assessing Coding Skills in the Interview

Pair Coding Tools are really helpful for interviews if you want to assess the coding skills of the candidates.


I work as a Data Scientist and I have interviewed many Data Scientists. Also, I have been interviewed several times by other Data Scientists for Data Science positions.

One of the most difficult parts of the interview process is to assess the coding skills of the candidate. Personally, I share a Technical Assessment with the candidates where I have the opportunity to assess their coding style, skills etc as well as their Data Science skills.

However, sometimes there is a need to assess candidates’ coding skills during the interview process. Obviously, asking someone to start coding on a piece of paper is not a good idea.

Parallel Coding Tools

The solution to the problems comes from the “Parallel Coding Tools”, like CodeInterviewCodePad etc.


By using these tools, the interviewer can work with the candidate in parallel, by running actual code on real data in any programming language. The cool thing is that they support libraries!

These tools are the future for assessing candidates’ programming skills!

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