Predictive Hacks

How to get the key-value from JSON Objects in Postgres

Assume that the data column is of the form {"name":"George" , "surname":"Pipis"}. You can extract the value of each key as follows.

select data::json->'name' as name_col, data::json->'surname' as surname_col
from my_table 

In case that you have a nested JSON like {"id": {"name": "George", "surname":"Pipis"} and you want to get the name and the surname you should write:

select data::json->'id'->>'name' as name_col, data::json->'id'->>'surname' as surname_col
from my_table 

More examples below:

OperatorRight Operand TypeDescriptionExample
->intGet JSON array element‘[1,2,3]’::json->2
->textGet JSON object field‘{“a”:1,”b”:2}’::json->’b’
->>intGet JSON array element as text‘[1,2,3]’::json->>2
->>textGet JSON object field as text‘{“a”:1,”b”:2}’::json->>’b’
#>array of textGet JSON object at specified path‘{“a”:[1,2,3],”b”:[4,5,6]}’::json#>'{a,2}’
#>>array of textGet JSON object at specified path as text‘{“a”:[1,2,3],”b”:[4,5,6]}’::json#>>'{a,2}’
FunctionReturn TypeDescriptionExampleExample Result
array_to_json(anyarray [, pretty_bool])jsonReturns the array as JSON. A PostgreSQL multidimensional array becomes a JSON array of arrays. Line feeds will be added between dimension 1 elements if pretty_bool is true.array_to_json(‘{{1,5},{99,100}}’::int[])[[1,5],[99,100]]
row_to_json(record [, pretty_bool])jsonReturns the row as JSON. Line feeds will be added between level 1 elements if pretty_bool is true.row_to_json(row(1,’foo’)){“f1″:1,”f2″:”foo”}
to_json(anyelement)jsonReturns the value as JSON. If the data type is not built in, and there is a cast from the type to json, the cast function will be used to perform the conversion. Otherwise, for any value other than a number, a Boolean, or a null value, the text representation will be used, escaped and quoted so that it is legal JSON.to_json(‘Fred said “Hi.”‘::text)“Fred said \”Hi.\””
json_array_length(json)intReturns the number of elements in the outermost JSON array.json_array_length(‘[1,2,3,{“f1″:1,”f2”:[5,6]},4]’)5
json_each(json)SETOF key text, value jsonExpands the outermost JSON object into a set of key/value * from json_each(‘{“a”:”foo”, “b”:”bar”}’)key | value —–+——- a | “foo” b | “bar”
json_each_text(from_json json)SETOF key text, value textExpands the outermost JSON object into a set of key/value pairs. The returned value will be of type * from json_each_text(‘{“a”:”foo”, “b”:”bar”}’)key | value —–+——- a | foo b | bar
json_extract_path(from_json json, VARIADIC path_elems text[])jsonReturns JSON object pointed to by path_elems.json_extract_path(‘{“f2”:{“f3″:1},”f4”:{“f5″:99,”f6″:”foo”}}’,’f4′){“f5″:99,”f6″:”foo”}
json_extract_path_text(from_json json, VARIADIC path_elems text[])textReturns JSON object pointed to by path_elems.json_extract_path_text(‘{“f2”:{“f3″:1},”f4”:{“f5″:99,”f6″:”foo”}}’,’f4′, ‘f6’)foo
json_object_keys(json)SETOF textReturns set of keys in the JSON object. Only the “outer” object will be displayed.json_object_keys(‘{“f1″:”abc”,”f2″:{“f3″:”a”, “f4″:”b”}}’)json_object_keys —————— f1 f2
json_populate_record(base anyelement, from_json json, [, use_json_as_text bool=false]anyelementExpands the object in from_json to a row whose columns match the record type defined by base. Conversion will be best effort; columns in base with no corresponding key in from_json will be left null. If a column is specified more than once, the last value is * from json_populate_record(null::x, ‘{“a”:1,”b”:2}’)a | b —+— 1 | 2
json_populate_recordset(base anyelement, from_json json, [, use_json_as_text bool=false]SETOF anyelementExpands the outermost set of objects in from_json to a set whose columns match the record type defined by base. Conversion will be best effort; columns in base with no corresponding key in from_json will be left null. If a column is specified more than once, the last value is * from json_populate_recordset(null::x, ‘[{“a”:1,”b”:2},{“a”:3,”b”:4}]’)a | b —+— 1 | 2 3 | 4
json_array_elements(json)SETOF jsonExpands a JSON array to a set of JSON elements.json_array_elements(‘[1,true, [2,false]]’)value ———– 1 true [2,false]

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