Predictive Hacks

Git and GitHub Cheat-Sheet

The next table shows the most common commands that you need to know for Git and GitHub.

CommandExplanation & Link
git commit -aStages files automatically
git log -pProduces patch text
git showShows various objects
git diffIs similar to the Linux `diff` command, and can show the differences in various commits
git diff –stagedAn alias to –cached, this will show all staged files compared to the named commit
git add -pAllows a user to interactively review patches to add to the current commit
git mvSimilar to the Linux `mv` command, this moves a file
git rmSimilar to the Linux `rm` command, this deletes, or removes a file
git branchUsed to manage branches
git branch <name>Creates the branch
git branch -d <name>Deletes the branch
git branch -D <name>Forcibly deletes the branch
git checkout <branch>Switches to a branch.
git checkout -b <branch>Creates a new branch and switches to it.
git merge <branch>Merge joins branches together.
git merge –abortIf there are merge conflicts (meaning files are incompatible), –abort can be used to abort the merge action.
git log –graph –onelineThis shows a summarized view of the commit history for a repo.
git clone URLGit clone is used to clone a remote repository into a local workspace
git pushGit push is used to push commits from your local repo to a remote repo
git pullGit pull is used to fetch the newest updates from a remote repository
git remote Lists remote repos
git remote -vList remote repos verbosely
git remote show <name>Describes a single remote repo
git remote updateFetches the most up-to-date objects
git fetchDownloads specific objects
git branch -rLists remote branches; can be combined with other branch arguments to manage remote branches

[1] Resources: Coursera

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