It is very important for every Data Analyst/Scientist to be able to interact with the Command Line Shell. Let’s start with a “cheat sheet” of Basic Linux Commands. This list includes a bunch of different commands that are useful to know when working with Linux.
Managing files and directories
- cd directory: changes the current working directory to the specified one
- pwd: prints the current working directory
- ls: lists the contents of the current directory
- ls directory: lists the contents of the received directory
- ls -l: lists the additional information for the contents of the directory
- ls -a: lists all files, including those hidden
- ls -la: applies both the -l and the -a flags
- mkdir directory: creates the directory with the received name
- rmdir directory: deletes the directory with the received name (if empty)
- rm file: deletes the file, we can either go one-by-one or we delete them all together using the *
- cp old_name new_name: copies old_name into new_name
- mv old_name new_name: moves old_name into new_name
- touch file_name: creates an empty file or updates the modified time if it exists
- chmod modifiers files: changes the permissions for the files according to the provided modifiers; we’ve seen +x to make the file executable
- chown user files: changes the owner of the files to the given user
- chgrp group files: changes the group of the files to the given group
Operating with the content of files
- cat file: shows the content of the file through standard output
- wc file: counts the number of characters, words, and lines in the given file; can also count the same values of whatever it receives via stdin
- file file: prints the type of the given file, as recognized by the operating system
- head file: shows the first 10 lines of the given file
- tail file: shows the last 10 lines of the given file
- less file: scrolls through the contents of the given file (press “q” to quit)
- sort file: sorts the lines of the file alphabetically
- cut -dseparator -ffields file: for each line in the given file, splits the line according to the given separator and prints the given fields (starting from 1)
Additional commands
- echo “message”: prints the message to standard output
- date: prints the current date
- who: prints the list of users currently logged into the computer
- man command: shows the manual page of the given command; manual pages contain a lot of information explaining how to use each command (press “q” to quit)
- uptime: shows how long the computer has been running
- free: shows the amount of unused memory on the current system
Managing streams
These are the redirectors that we can use to take control of the streams of our programs
- command > file: redirects standard output, overwrites file
- command >> file: redirects standard output, appends to file
- command < file: redirects standard input from file
- command 2> file: redirects standard error to file
- command1 | command2: connects the output of command1 to the input of command2
Operating with processes
These are some commands that are useful to know in Linux when interacting with processes.
- ps: lists the processes executing in the current terminal for the current user
- ps ax: lists all processes currently executing for all users
- ps e: shows the environment for the processes listed
- kill PID: sends the SIGINT signal to the process identified by PID
- fg: causes a job that was stopped or in the background to return to the foreground
- bg: causes a job that was stopped to go to the background
- jobs: lists the jobs currently running or stopped
- top: shows the processes currently using the most CPU time (press “q” to quit)
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