Predictive Hacks

How to Get All Orders from Shopify in Python

how to get all orders from shopify in Python

Shopify is one of the most famous platforms to set up online shops. As a Data Scientist, I’ve been asked many times to build something integrated into Shopify like automated descriptive analytics of orders, ERP connectors, etc. The first thing we have to do is to get all the information we want from Shopify ie the orders and their Info. In this post, we will show you how you can set up a private app and use it to get all orders in python surpassing its limit of 250 rows.

Create a private APP in Shoppify

First things first, we need to create a private App to get an API URL.

Step 1: Navigate to the left and click on Apps

Step 2: Scroll all way down and click on Manage Private Apps

Step 3: Create a new private app

After you created your app you can get the url we will use in the Example URL placeholder.

 Get All Orders from Shopify in Python

Get All Orders

Now, you should have a URL in the following format:


We want to get all orders so we need to add some variables in the URL.

  • limit=250, This is the maximum number of orders we can get.
  • fulfillment_status=unfulfilled, We will get all unfulfilled orders so we will use the status unfulfilled. You can remove it and get also the fulfilled orders.
  • since_id=, This means that we want all orders since the order Id we will provide. We will use it to surpass the limit of 250 orders.

The trick here is after every API call to get the oldest order ID and use it for our next call inside the since_id variable. Then, when the API will return less than our limit (250) we stop the loop and return the orders Dataframe.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
import requests

def get_all_orders():
    while True:
        url = f"https://{apikey}:{password}@{hostname}/admin/api/{version}/{resource}.json?limit=250&fulfillment_status=unfulfilled&since_id={last}"
        response = requests.request("GET", url)
        if len(df)<250:

How to Get All Orders from Shopify in Python
 Get All Orders from Shopify in Python

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3 thoughts on “How to Get All Orders from Shopify in Python”

  1. Hi I have a question about the orders id. Are the order_id’s going updwards for each order recieved? I ask this because you are using the ‘last id’ obtained in the get of 250 orders to get the next ones. I imagine that newer id’s are greater than older ones. In my case I have to get all orders from 2022, and for that I need the since_id parameter (bc there’s about 800+ orders registered) and I’m really confused with that.

    Thanks 🙂

  2. If I understand correctly, your problem is that you can’t find a way to get only the 2022 orders. I think you can check the date for every loop of my code and break it when you find a 2021 order. Then clean the 2021 orders from your dataset and you are ready to go.

  3. For those interested in retrieving just “Fulfilled” Orders without the “Unfulfilled” ones using the Shopify API, beware that you will have to send an extra parameter called fulfillment_status=”shipped” in conjunction with the parameter status=”any”.

    Otherwise, you will end up retrieving all orders Fulfilled and Unfulfilled Ones consuming too much data that you may not need.


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