Predictive Hacks

How to connect Snowflake with S3 and EC2 using Python


We have provided you with several tutorials in Snowflake. In this example, we consider the scenario where we have to connect Snowflake with Python, with an EC2 server and finally with an S3 bucket. The scenario is to get the data from Snowflake and to load it to an S3 bucket and/or to the EC2 server. From there, we run the machine learning models and we load the output of the models to an S3 bucket. Finally, we load the data from the S3 bucket to Snowflake. All these tasks should be done by running a python script (.py) where we can schedule it to run periodically using Airflow or a cron job. Let’s start building the .py script.

Import the libraries

For this task, we will need the following libraries that we import to the script.

import snowflake.connector
import pandas as pd
from snowflake.sqlalchemy import URL
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import boto3

Connect Snowflake with EC2 using Python

Assuming that we are working on the EC2 server, we can connect Snowflake using the Python connector.

url = URL(
    role = 'SYSADMIN'
engine = create_engine(url)

connection = engine.connect()

Get the data from Snowflake to EC2

Now, we can run an SQL statement to bring the data from Snowflake to EC2 and load them in Pandas.

# get a sample of the data
query = '''
select col1, col2, col3 from my_table

df = pd.read_sql(query, connection)


Send Data from Snowflake to S3

Assuming that we have created the stages and the integrations, we can send files from Snowflake to S3. In this example, we send a CSV file to the S3 bucket that we have set in the stage. Notice that we can specify the key of the bucket plus the file name (/daily_file/mydaily_export.csv)

# Sends the output of the query to S3

daily_file_query = """
copy into @my_s3_test_snowflake_stage/daily_file/mydaily_export.csv
from (select * from my_other_table)
file_format = (type = CSV COMPRESSION = NONE )

unload_query = connection.execute(daily_file_query)

Get the Data from S3 to EC2

Using boto3, we can get and send data from S3 to EC2 and vice versa.

# get the daily export using boto3 
s3 = boto3.client('s3')

# if you want to save it
# s3.download_file(Filename = 'tmp.csv', Bucket = 'my-bucket', Key='daily_file/mydaily_export.csv')

# read it in memory
obj = s3.get_object(Bucket='my-bucket', Key='daily_file/mydaily_export.csv')
obj = pd.read_csv(obj['Body'])

### assume that we are doing some other things withthe file and then we have to send it to S3
### here we build the Machine Learning models and we save it as "my_export.csv"

obj.to_csv("my_export.csv", index=False)

               # Set filename and key
               Filename= 'my_export.csv', 

Copy the Data from S3 to Snowflake

Finally, we want to copy the data from S3 to Snowflake. First, we will truncate the table in order to be sure that there are not any other records and then we run the copy command.

# copy the data from S3 Bucket to Snowflake

truncate_query = """
truncate TEST_TABLE

copy_query = """
copy into TEST_TABLE
from @my_s3_test_snowflake_stage/exports/
file_format= (type = csv field_delimiter=',' skip_header=1)

trunc_query = connection.execute(truncate_query)

cp_query = connection.execute(copy_query)

Finally, we close the connection.


The Takeaway

All the above commands can be run by a single .py script or by different .py scripts as a DAG using Airflow. In general, it is good practice to be able to connect different tools together like what we did here by connecting AWS S3, Snowflake, AWS EC2 and Python

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