Predictive Hacks

Document Similarity with Synsets and Path Similarity

path similarity
What is the difference between word2vec's wordvector euclidian distance  compared to wordnet's path similarity? - Quora

We will provide an example of how you can define similar documents using synsets and the path similarity. We will create the following functions:

  • convert_tag: converts the tag given by nltk.pos_tag to a tag used by wordnet.synsets. You will need to use this function in doc_to_synsets.
  • document_path_similarity: computes the symmetrical path similarity between two documents by finding the synsets in each document using doc_to_synsets, then computing similarities using similarity_score.
  • doc_to_synsets: returns a list of synsets in document. This function should first tokenize and part of speech tag the document using nltk.word_tokenize and nltk.pos_tag. Then it should find each tokens corresponding synset using wn.synsets(token, wordnet_tag). The first synset match should be used. If there is no match, that token is skipped.
  • similarity_score: returns the normalized similarity score of a list of synsets (s1) onto a second list of synsets (s2). For each synset in s1, find the synset in s2 with the largest similarity value. Sum all of the largest similarity values together and normalize this value by dividing it by the number of largest similarity values found. Be careful with data types, which should be floats. Missing values should be ignored.
import numpy as np
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
import pandas as pd

def convert_tag(tag):
    """Convert the tag given by nltk.pos_tag to the tag used by wordnet.synsets"""
    tag_dict = {'N': 'n', 'J': 'a', 'R': 'r', 'V': 'v'}
        return tag_dict[tag[0]]
    except KeyError:
        return None

def doc_to_synsets(doc):
    Returns a list of synsets in document.

    Tokenizes and tags the words in the document doc.
    Then finds the first synset for each word/tag combination.
    If a synset is not found for that combination it is skipped.

        doc: string to be converted

        list of synsets

        doc_to_synsets('Fish are nvqjp friends.')
        Out: [Synset('fish.n.01'), Synset('be.v.01'), Synset('friend.n.01')]
    tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(doc)
    pos = nltk.pos_tag(tokens)
    tags = [tag[1] for tag in pos]
    wntag = [convert_tag(tag) for tag in tags]
    ans = list(zip(tokens,wntag))
    sets = [wn.synsets(x,y) for x,y in ans]
    final = [val[0] for val in sets if len(val) > 0]
    return final

def similarity_score(s1, s2):
    Calculate the normalized similarity score of s1 onto s2

    For each synset in s1, finds the synset in s2 with the largest similarity value.
    Sum of all of the largest similarity values and normalize this value by dividing it by the
    number of largest similarity values found.

        s1, s2: list of synsets from doc_to_synsets

        normalized similarity score of s1 onto s2

        synsets1 = doc_to_synsets('I like cats')
        synsets2 = doc_to_synsets('I like dogs')
        similarity_score(synsets1, synsets2)
        Out: 0.73333333333333339
    s =[]
    for i1 in s1:
        r = []
        scores = [x for x in [i1.path_similarity(i2) for i2 in s2] if x is not None]
        if scores:
    return sum(s)/len(s)

def document_path_similarity(doc1, doc2):
    """Finds the symmetrical similarity between doc1 and doc2"""

    synsets1 = doc_to_synsets(doc1)
    synsets2 = doc_to_synsets(doc2)

    return (similarity_score(synsets1, synsets2) + similarity_score(synsets2, synsets1)) / 2

Test that it works:

def test_document_path_similarity():
    doc1 = 'This is a function to test document_path_similarity.'
    doc2 = 'Use this function to see if your code in doc_to_synsets \
    and similarity_score is correct!'
    return document_path_similarity(doc1, doc2)

paraphrases is a DataFrame which contains the following columns: QualityD1, and D2. Quality is an indicator variable which indicates if the two documents D1 and D2 are paraphrases of one another (1 for paraphrase, 0 for not paraphrase).

# Use this dataframe for questions most_similar_docs and label_accuracy
paraphrases = pd.read_csv('paraphrases.csv')

Most Similar Documents

Using document_path_similarity, we will find the pair of documents in paraphrases which has the maximum similarity score. This function should return a tuple (D1, D2, similarity_score)

def most_similar_docs():
    paraphrases['similarity_score'] = paraphrases.apply(lambda x:document_path_similarity(x['D1'], x['D2']), axis=1)
    return (paraphrases.sort_values('similarity_score', ascending=False).iloc[0]['D1'], paraphrases.sort_values('similarity_score', ascending=False).iloc[0]['D2'], paraphrases.sort_values('similarity_score', ascending=False).iloc[0]['similarity_score'])
('"Indeed, Iran should be put on notice that efforts to try to remake Iraq in their image will be aggressively put down," he said.',
 '"Iran should be on notice that attempts to remake Iraq in Iran\'s image will be aggressively put down," he said.\n',

Label Accuracy

Provide labels for the twenty pairs of documents by computing the similarity for each pair using document_path_similarity. Let the classifier rule be that if the score is greater than 0.75, label is paraphrase (1), else label is not paraphrase (0). Report accuracy of the classifier using scikit-learn’s accuracy_score.

def label_accuracy():
    from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

    paraphrases['similarity_score'] = paraphrases.apply(lambda x:document_path_similarity(x['D1'], x['D2']), axis=1)
    paraphrases['predicted'] = np.where(paraphrases['similarity_score'] > 0.75, 1, 0)
    return accuracy_score(paraphrases['Quality'], paraphrases['predicted'])


[1] Coursera

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