Predictive Hacks

How to Split a Vector into Equal Parts in R

We will show you how to split an R vector into n parts of equal size. Bear in mind that sometimes is not possible to create chunks of equal size. For example, if we want each part to consist of 3 elements and our vector has 21 elements, then it is possible to create 7 chunks of 3 elements. But if the vector has 23 elements, then we will need to create 7 chunks of 3 elements and 1 chunk of 2 elements. Let’s get our hands dirty.

# set a random seed

# elements of each part

# generate 23 values from poisson distribution 
# with parameter lambda = 20
x<-rpois(23, lambda = 20)

# split the vector 
split_vector<-split(x, ceiling(seq_along(x)/k))

# print
[1] 16 17 20

[1] 27 17 20

[1] 16 20 25

[1] 16 19 28

[1] 27 22 24

[1] 24 26 23

[1] 23 18 26

[1] 26 17

As we can see, we generated 8 chunks, where the last one is of 2 elements and all the rest of 3. Finally, since the output is a list, we can retrieve each chunk as follows.

# get the third chunk
[1] 16 20 25

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