Predictive Hacks

How to Save a Python Dictionary as a JSON file

We often need to save a Python dictionary as a JSON file. For this task, we can work with the Python built-in package called json, and more specifically with the json.dump() method. Let’s move on with an example where we will create a simple dictionary and we will save it as a json file.

import json

# create a dictionary

my_dict = { 'Name': 'George',
            'Surname': 'Pipis',
            'Country': 'Greece',
            'Company': 'Predictive Hacks',
            'Year': 2023

{'Name': 'George', 'Surname': 'Pipis', 'Country': 'Greece', 'Company': 'Predictive Hacks', 'Year': 2023}

Now, let’s save the my_dict as a json file called my_json.json.

with open("my_json.json", "w") as fp:
    json.dump(my_dict, fp)

As we can see, a new file called my_json.json has been created under the working directory.

Finally, if we want to load the json file we can work as follows:

with open('my_json.json', 'r') as fp:
    data = json.load(fp)

{'Name': 'George', 'Surname': 'Pipis', 'Country': 'Greece', 'Company': 'Predictive Hacks', 'Year': 2023}

Note that the data object is a dictionary.


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