Predictive Hacks

How to Get BERT Embeddings with Tensorflow Hub

In this tutorial, we will show you how to get the pooled BERT embeddings of an input text. The required steps are:

  • Install the tensorflow
  • Load the BERT model from TensorFlow Hub
  • Tokenize the input text by converting it to ids using a preprocessing model
  • Get the pooled embedding using the loaded model

Let’s start coding.

pip install --quiet "tensorflow-text==2.8.*"

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
import tensorflow_text as text  # Imports TF ops for preprocessing.

Then, we have to configure the model.

# Define the model

# Choose the preprocessing that must match the model

Load the model and the preprocessing.

preprocess = hub.load(PREPROCESS_MODEL)
bert = hub.load(BERT_MODEL)

Build a function that takes as input a raw text and it returns the BERT embeddings.

def text_to_emb(input_text):
  input_text_lst = [input_text]
  inputs = preprocess(input_text_lst)
  outputs = bert(inputs)
  return np.array((outputs['pooled_output']))

We are done, let’s run an example.

text_to_emb('This is a sample sentence')


array([[ 0.6729589 ,  0.16986154,  0.05168653,  0.4964849 ,  0.57049793,
         0.3032315 , -0.07513454, -0.99058324,  0.9418068 ,  0.35635224,
        -0.90153414, -0.9523835 , -0.23299307,  0.38784108, -0.39498374,
        -0.21850415,  0.23773886,  0.9872731 , -0.10500205,  0.7786572 ,
        -0.29292807,  0.7102717 ,  0.34709233, -0.5729018 ,  0.9419572 ,
         0.37320367, -0.5142145 ,  0.85438424,  0.20007657, -0.3199613 ,
         0.19322802, -0.261226  , -0.2806239 ,  0.1782754 , -0.01885223,
         0.53534544, -0.60386556,  0.74343383, -0.90285224,  0.05747601,
         0.4736311 ,  0.22683787,  0.22758687, -0.18882924,  0.74393773,
        -0.16072457,  0.27666202,  0.6570725 ,  0.6005741 , -0.38493893,


         0.04461253,  0.48017693,  0.7973305 ,  0.7892748 , -0.58761233,
         0.5698995 , -0.7856279 ,  0.54465777,  0.3129528 ,  0.1456411 ,
         0.9632164 ,  0.60263646, -0.43343565,  0.82129925,  0.3692738 ,
         0.2609335 , -0.4036055 , -0.06602973,  0.9456645 ,  0.64760864,
        -0.81159633,  0.16129227, -0.8264965 , -0.5995479 , -0.0258658 ,
         0.27349144, -0.8450804 , -0.39394245]], dtype=float32)

Keep in mind that the shape of the pooled embeddings is (1,768).

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