Predictive Hacks

How to Find Tables that Contain a Specific Column in Snowflake

The scenario is that you would like to find out all the tables that contain a specific column in Snowflake as follows:

show columns like 'COLUMN_NAME' in schema "DB_NAME"."SCHEMA_NAME"

In the above example, we search for all tables under the database “DB_NAME” and under the schema “SCHEMA_NAME” that contain the column called “COLUMN_NAME”. You can have a look at the show columns Snowflake Documentation. The full syntax of the command is:

SHOW COLUMNS [ LIKE '<pattern>' ]
             [ IN { ACCOUNT | DATABASE [ <database_name> ] | SCHEMA [ <schema_name> ] | TABLE | [ TABLE ] <table_name> | VIEW | [ VIEW ] <view_name> } ]

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