When you work on a server, let’s say the EC2, and you launch a Jupyter notebook, the notebook server will be running unless you close it from the GUI clicking on the “QUIT” button.
The first thing that we need to get the running jupyter notebook servers. We can get a list of the running servers by running the following command:
jupyter notebook list
And we get:
(base) ds@domain ~$ jupyter notebook list Currently running servers: http://domain.va.xxx.com:8888/?token=f5fc2d2342e8ab4122dc4d4ce37944a9a8ff7209c8bd45ff :: /home/ds http://domain.va.xxx.com:8888/?token=a215b1a15c676cf8caf9513009cdf1e1f5fa862a50994f43 :: /home/ds http://domain.va.xxx.com:8888/?token=1cb296d7f493f06ae4d747282d149e2456d448a6c64cde24 :: /home/ds http://domain.va.xxx.com:8888/?token=b6842a1237837e69ccd09a1d5d1c0384d49ebcc26a88cc83 :: /home/ds http://domain.va.xxx.com:8888/?token=5af6678b695b12caa8317e66b9de9ff975ec0236eaaf6237 :: /home/ds http://domain.va.xxx.com:8888/?token=c7ed89b2e740a5bf84288f788c548b5e73f5e65b177ed9a6 :: /home/ds http://domain.va.xxx.com:8888/?token=dc3be5b8572973a92c2ba37aa9a0ffcd15aa24da1906baa6 :: /home/ds http://domain.va.xxx.com:8888/?token=7f4201adbd961641a1069661440c289690262ea1b62225b5 :: /home/ds http://domain.va.xxx.com:8889/?token=9f9c4167629ce0ff95f5015f4db5bbc1fa31d9aa7de08c89 :: /home/ds http://domain.va.xxx.com:8888/?token=2bccfe59fddd95585f18263fac103083d4b2241e897accd3 :: /home/ds
You can easily open any running server by copy-paste the URL address to your browser.
We can close all the running servers by running the command:
pkill jupyter
pkill -9 jupyter
Since the running notebooks can belong to different users, if you want to close only the ones that you own you can run:
pkill -u `id -u` jupyter
Another approach could be to copy-paste the URL address and then close the server with QUIT button.