How to search Docker images from Docker Hub using the terminal.
Let’s say that we want to search for the Python images. We can run the command:
docker search python
As we can see we get the NAME, the DESCRIPTION, the STARTS and if it is OFFICIAL and/or AUTOMATED. So, always try to get images with many starts and prefer to be official.
How to get images from Docker Hub
You can get an image from a public repository by running the command docker pull and the name of the image. Let’s say that we want to get the “hello-world” image.
docker pull hello-world:latest
Notice that if you do not use any tag i.e.”:latest”, we get by default the latest. However, you can specify a particular version.
How to run a Docker Image
We can run the docker image with the run command. Let’s run the “hello-world” image.
docker run hello-world:latest
and as expected we get the message “Hello from Docker!” since that was intended to do.
How to get the list of Images
Simply by running docker images
you get the list of your images. In our case we have only the hello-world
docker images
How to get the Running Containers
The command to get the running containers is:
docker ps
How to inspect an Image and or Container
You can inspect a container as follows:
docker inspect <image_name>
How to run a Container in Interactive Mode
If you want to run a container in an interactive mode using the terminal you should use the -it
. Let’s run the centos
docker run -it centos:latest /bin/bash
Now we are in the container operating system! As we can see the container is running:
and if we want to exit it we type exit
How to run a Container in Backgroung
You should use the flag -d
(detached) and the command is:
docker run -d nginx:latest
How to Stop a Container
First we need to find the container id or the container name using the ps
docker stop nervous_babbage
How to Execute a command in a Container
If you have a running container and you want to execute a command in an interactive mode then you can run:
docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash
Above, we ran the bin/bash so that to be able to start interacting with the container using the terminal.
How to Remove an Image
The image that you want to remove must not be used and depend in any container. Then you can run the
docker rmi <image_name>
You can use the flag -f
to force to remove the image even if it is used in any running container.
docker rmi -f <image_name>
How to Remove ALL Non-Running Containers
You can remove all non-running containers with the command:
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
How to map Ports
You can define the local ports using the flag -p
as follows:
docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name=MyWebServer nginx:latest
How to Mount Data
You can mount data in your container using the flag -v
from volume.
docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name=MyWebServer2 -v /mnt/data nginx:latest
If we want to map the volume mount we can run the command:
docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name=MyWebServer2 -v /home/user/data:/user/share/nginx/my_folder nginx:latest
Now, whenever we make changes within the data
folder which is in our local PC, will pass automatically to the my_folder
which is within the container.
You can build an image from a Dockerfile. The name of the dockerfile must be just Dockerfile
without any extension and you can build your image by running:
docker build .
Notice the period . which refers to your working directory where the Dockerfile should be. The structure of the Dockerfile is:
FROM debian:stable RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y ENV MYVALUE my-value EXPOSE 80 CMD ["/usr/sbin/apach2ctl", "-D", "FOREGROUND"]
- FROM: Get the base image
- RUN: Run the commands on the base image
- ENV: Create environment values
- EXPOSE: Expose the port
- CMD: Run within the container
[1] Linux Academy